As the title says I'm finally free from school!! Wohoo :D My last "real" school day was on Friday. It was okay; I had a biology test which went really great! A few hours later I got my course test
s back, and
I got a 9 in both biology and psychology! Yay :D (we have a scale from 4-10, 10 being the highest score). Three days ago I felt panicked about the biology test, I was soooo afraid of getting a 4 :( but at the test I realized I know more about biology than I thought. My parents are very proud over me; 'cause I'm usually not a geek, especially not in biology. I'm a mediocrity (=medelmåtta) in most subjects.
A beautiful rose in summer. |
Now I have a holiday for a pretty long time, I can do almost ANYTHING I want to do!! :D Well, my future plans are quite clear for now. Next week I'm not going to plan anything too tough, just enjoy life. And do stuff I've wanted to do in the couple of months, but not let me do them. Next Friday, nevertheless, I'm leaving for Milano, Italy, with my family. It's gonna be fun!
After a week in Milano and the countryside of north Italy, I'm planning to
continue working as a substitute nanny at kindergartens. I've noticed that I love being with kids and therefore I've decided I want to study to officially be a kindergarten teacher. Spring 2013 I'll search to a University which gives me the right programme. Hopefully I can begin at the University, maybe I'm there in a year!
I've made a list of things I want to do soon, here it is;
1. Buy a new diary
2. Write more at the blog (and continue with the 30-days challenge!)
3. Learn to use Skype and therefore discuss with some of my friends there
4. Read more books (this time literature, not school books!)
5. Learn to knit and make some new socks
6. Clean my room, like my wardrobe and throw papers away
7. Work at the kindergartens :)
8. Take a trip to a city named J. to meet my friends S. and M.
9. Go to the gym, more than twice a week
10. Shop (clothes and whatever)!!! :D
Well, it wasn't much things really. I did the list a month ago, when I thought I list stuff I want to do after my final exams. So that I won't forget ;)
I've been so stressed out the last weeks that I've had weird symptoms. Like hard pain in my stomage for a few days in a row. One night I couldn't sleep almost at all because of the pain. I had to cancel all my programmes for a day and just lay in bed. It was boring, but it made me think
I have to slow down a little and listen to my body. And now I can do it; I'm on holiday :)
Have a good time! :)