I just read my friends blog and laughed at the thought that this post will be soo similar to one of hers! :D Yesterday I thought of this idea; showing photos of the new ballerinas I bought on the weekend.
I had no idea she had bought ballerinas too (until now, a few minutes ago) AND in the same shop! BUT no, we didn't buy the same ballerinas, haha :D
By the way,
this is not the first time me and Hanna has done the similar stuff at almost the same time! That's the funniest thing here, isn't it Hanna, if you're reading this?? :D
A short update of what has happened in my life the past few weeks; I've been reading to entrance exams, meeting friends, partying, run from a bar :'D and shopped.
I've met a physiotherapist twice and got new information about my feet injury. I stopped taking the pills/drugs a few weeks ago, they were helping for the pain and inflammation.
Now it's only me who can make them heal. I must be patient when working with my feet; they need to get stronger or they will get to the same condition as a month ago :( The best thing is that I manage to walk & I can go to the gym and work my upper body.
Here you even see my feet; they look normal, right? Like I don't have any injuries... But there you're wrong. |
So what do I do to get them stronger? I've got instructions, from the physiotherapist, how to
stretch my ankles, calves and toes right. I do these
exercises every single day, plus the balance exercises. It hurts a bit, but I know it's for the best. In May I'll meet my physiotherapist again. Hopefully my feet have healed untill that, so that he says I can play tennis again! :) I've missed that part...
Tomorrow my friends S. comes here and stays overnight. Hopefully that'll be awesome! :D
Because of my injuried feet I needed to buy ballerinas with some heel
and I found these! Great, it wasn't hard to find the perfect ones!
Have fun shopping! ;)